
Oakington Manor Foundation School is a large three-form entry school based in Wembley, right behind Wembley Stadium. Pupils range from nursery to year 6. The school has a long history of innovative use of new technologies to enrich the curriculum. Children’s learning is sustained and they are able to transfer their knowledge across different contexts and think more critically and become more autonomous learners. Learning of the foundation subjects is cross-curricular, relevant and engaging to motivate and inspire both learners and teachers. We seek to ensure that our pupils are e-confident through the use of a number of ICT resources which supplement the Creative Curriculum including the Internet. Our school remains an outstandin school, Ofsted 2010.

Pupils also have an opportunity to further develop their creativity in a number of enrichment activities including:

– The school’s own collaborative, ‘Oak Mag Radio Network’ radio station, lunchtime clubs such as Film, Newspaper, Spanish and KS1 ICT clubs.

– Links with schools from a number of partner schools in Willesden, Slough, Somerset, Romania, Ghana, Denmark, China, India, Greece and Spain. These links include video conferencing activities.

– We advise and support other schools through their use of ICT and ICT resources (visits welcomed).

– Host many visitors from abroad through the British Council and Brent LA. Our innovative use of emergent technologies has been the focus of many Teachers’ TV programmes and have also been used for pilot film making projects by CBBC and the British Film Institute (BFI).

-In September 2007 we were one of the first schools in Brent to sign up for the London MLE, Fronter, and we have been systematically rolling out the programme across the school. The pupils really enjoy using Fronter and use it both at home and at school. We have developed a range of resources for pupils and parents to use at home and school. Pupils have also begun developing their own resources to aid their own and peers learning. Our ICT 4 Home learning project started earlier this spring, 2009, in collaboration with the E-Learning Foundation. This gave the whole of Year 4 (95 pupils) access to their own Asus minibooks. This took a lot of time planning and setting up efficient systems to enable us to manage the minibooks efficiently in school before sending them home with pupils. We have also extended our work with parents who have been consulting with us on ways to extend parental engagement and move towards online reporting.

– Our last project was the redevelopment of our ICT suite and library into a Learning Resource Centre. ICT is at the heart of this new building and has taken our use of emerging technologies to another level. The LRC building was completed summer 2009 and was open for use that September. The main outstanding feature of this building is the use of 3D technology which forms a major part of our cross- curricular ICT teaching strategy.

– In summer 2011, we ran our very first school film festival, showcasing the films created by our children as part of their ICT work. This was so successful that we are running another in summer 2012.

We successfully reapplied and received the ICT mark July 2011.


2 responses to “About

  1. Chris

    September 8, 2011 at 11:31 am

    Have you forgotten to update this page with text about Oakington Manor Primary School?

  2. oakingtonmanor

    October 8, 2011 at 3:17 am

    oops! Thank you for the reminder.


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